The status of your order can be found in your account.
Status of your order | Meaning |
Pending |
We have not yet received payment or your payment has not been processed correctly. You will also see this status if you've chosen to pick up your order at our office and pay by pin or cash. |
Processing |
Your order will be processed in the near future. |
Backorder |
Not all the products in your order are in stock yet. Does the website indicate stock? If so, the status of your order will change soon. |
Hold-to-date |
Your order will be processed after the agreed upon date. |
Pickup scheduled |
Your pickup appointment has been scheduled |
Complete |
Your order has been completed. |
Closed |
Your order has been credited and thus closed. |
Canceled |
Your order is canceled and will not be processed. |
Delivery time
Are you curious about the delivery time of your order? The expected delivery time is stated in your order confirmation and can be counted from the moment of ordering. This way you can estimate whether your order is about to arrive soon or whether a little patience is still needed.